One of her favourite things in the world is being read to. When we approach the book shelf her little face just lights up. I was so excited to find 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle in a gorgeous children's book shop in Primrose Hill. It was one of my favourite books when I was little and it is wonderful to be able share it with her.
Life in London goes on... lovely catch ups with friends and extended family. Simes and I are both busy at work. Fox have 4 films in the London Film Festival later this month and we have lots of film premieres coming up. Even though I still love attending these events, and I am as passionate as ever about film, getting home to Simes and Maddie just seems more important than walking up the red carpet these days. Funny how your priorities change. I never imagined that two people could bring me so much joy... but they do.