Life as a one year old didn't start marvellously well for our girl Maddie. She woke up on her birthday with eczema on her cheeks, broncheolitis on her chest, a runny nose, an even runnier bottom, three molars pushing their way through her gums and nappy rash from hell! Not an ideal state to be in on your first birthday. To make matters worse, her mummy also went down with a hideous stomach virus which had me confined to bed (and the lav) for two days. Luckily Simes came through with the goods and looked after both of his girls (on his birthday!) wonderfully.
Luckily we recovered quickly and were all ready to celebrate Simon and Maddie's birthday with a lovely lunch today. I even baked a cake which looked fabulous, but tasted like a brick (cooking has never really been my thing!). Maddie was spoilt rotten and showered with beautiful gifts including a fabulous fur coat (not real fur), a Pooh Bear ride on activity machine, a range of gorgeous toys and books, a spectacular peek-a-boo bear from her grandparents, some lovely clothes, a gorgeous pear of red leather shoes, a dressing gown and a giant bear called Elliot! All those wonderful gifts should keep her happy for at least another year!
Maddie has discovered that she has the ability to scream.... really loud.... in the early hours of the morning. The only thing that seems to comfort her are cuddles from her mum, which is really sweet, but at the same time, the lack of sleep is killing me! Just when it appears that she has calmed down and fallen back to sleep, I try to creep out of the room... and the screaming begins again. I am praying that it is the new teeth that are causing the hysteria. I don't know how we will cope if it carries on for too much longer. A girl needs her beauty sleep.
I am going back to work full time as of this week and Maddie is going to be in nursery for 3 days a week and with Simes the other two days. It is going to be a killer giving up our precious girls day on Fridays, but unfortunately we need the cash and it's not easy to make ends meet in London on two part time wages. As long as I know she is being cared for, loved and nurtured I can live with working full time again.
It breaks my heart not to be with her, but I guess that is motherhood in the new millennium.