Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Taste of Real Food... Plus a Celebrity Spot!

With our little lady officially turning 22 weeks on Tuesday, I thought it was time to give her a taste of something other than milk. So far she has tasted baby rice (which tasted like wall paper glue to me but she seemed OK with it!) and banana (which was a huge hit). A lovely friend from one of my work agencies gave us a book by Annabel Karmel which is filled with beautiful tasty recipes for babies and toddlers, so our blender is about to go into overdrive pureeing everything from apples to carrots and beyond. The plan is to feed her only home made, organic goodies to give her the best possible start in life (we'll see how long I can resist the jars from the supermarket!). The only downside to feeding her solids are the slightly 'fruity' nappies that follow!

Maddie had her first official celebrity spot last Sunday (well her second celebrity spot if you count Lilly Allen at the Notting Hill Markets). Simes, Maddie and I were taking a leisurely Sunday stroll through Primrose Hill and Simes was lecturing me about the fact that I no longer dress in a very glamorous way and that he would love to see me in something other than jeans and ugg boots, when we noticed a very glamorous mummy walking towards us pushing her beautifully dressed baby girl... it was none other than Gerry Halliwell with little 'Bluebell Madonna'. Simes and Maddie weren't overly impressed, but I was quite a spice girls fans once upon a time so I got quite a thrill! Zigga zay aaahh!

As usual we have been out and about enjoying the sunshine and catching up with friends. My wonderful brother Michael is coming to stay with us for a few days after Easter. I can't wait to see him and Maddie is beside herself with excitement about meeting him.

Here are the latest pics of the little minx.

Easter kisses to all xxx


BabyMac said...

Kate I am totally with you with seeing Ginger Spice - I always thought that we would be the best of friends if only she met me!! I would have had Rob stop me from chatting and comparing little ladies. How exciting - no such glamour around here! Maddie is so big now and just lovely - can't wait for her to meet Daise and tell her a thing or too about living a galmorous lifsetyle. Enjoy the time with Michael - he must be very excited to spend time with you all! Lots of Love xoxox

Lyndal said...

Hello Smythy and Simes - love your blog. It's even better than the OK! Hotstars supplement. Maddie is a little beauty.

Great to see the boys in Sydders recently. Ended up at tragic Palms nightclub on Oxford Street last weekend with the dirty scamps. Even old man barney cut some rug.

Miss you all xxx