Simes, Madeleine and I are starting settle into a nice little family routine of breasts (Maddy - not Simes), cuddles, poo, wee and sleep. Sadly, I am on the graveyard shift and my sleep now seems to be some time between 7am and 9pm... all a bit nocturnal really.
Madeleine is officially a daddy's girl and as you can see from the attached pics, she is rather keen on a cuddle with her pappa.
Her midwife, Margaret (see pic), comes to weigh her every couple of days. Turns out I need to rest more so that I can produce more milk (who would have thought that these knockers would have issues producing milk!). I had better go and have a snooze.
Love to you all xxxxxxx
Thanks for the update - it's just like you are around the corner! Looks like you are quite the little family - Each new shot makes me even more excited about having Reg here soon. Love & kisses to you all. Love Beth xoxox
Thanks for the update - it's just like you are around the corner! Looks like you are quite the little family - Each new shot makes me even more excited about having Reg here soon. Love & kisses to you all. Love Beth xoxox
oohhhh the biggest hugs and squeezes ever... hello Madeleine how glorious to meet you.. cant wait to be able to give you cuddles.
Congratulations Kate & Si.. wow... you are very clever..... such beautiful photos beaming with happiness and love. She is beautiful.. of course xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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