Monday, February 19, 2007

An Arvo at the Pub...

Our little baldie spent a lovely Sunday afternoon at the pub with her mates Simon, Nattie, Howie and Barnie. She had a marvellous time being passed from pillar to post (lots of cuddling and smooching). I have become quite comfortable getting my knockers out in just about any setting. Naturally, after mummy has had a few quiet bevvies, Maddie reverts to the bottle to keep her going. She seemed to really love the pub... we can't work out who she inherited that from!

Maddie is getting stronger and more vocal every day. She happily lies on her mini mink (courtesy of her Granny Rozzi Roo) singing, chirping and chatting to herself. She makes us smile sooooo much and as her personality starts to peep out, it looks like she is going to be quite a character.

Love to all xxxx

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Snow, Boys and a Bumbo Seat!

Winter has finally kicked in and we have had a couple of days of quite heavy snow (see pic of our back garden). Very exciting to watch out the window, but a little bit difficult to negotiate the sidewalk sludge with a baby buggy.

Maddie and I have made lots of great mates through her baby massage class and our week days now seem to be packed with long walks, lovely lunches and coffee dates. The truth is that Maddie sleeps through most of these outings, but I am having a smashing time! All I can say is thank goodness I am not Britney spears because the papparazzi would have got a cracking photo of me in a Japanese restaurant last Wednesday breast feeding Maddie with a beer in hand (don't worry mum, I only had 2 beers)!

We have had lots of lovely visitors in the past week including two little chaps called Archie and Luka. Maddie was quite taken with the boys as you can see from these pics.

The little lady seems to get more gorgeous every day. She is reaching out to play with toys and can almost support herself enough to sit up without the help of mum or dad. Our lovely friends Pam and Mike gave her a fantastic 'Bumbo' seat that helps her sit up straight (see pic) and she seems to love the independence of being upright! Nothing like seeing the world from your very own 'Bumbo' seat!

Lots of love to one and all xxx