Our little baldie spent a lovely Sunday afternoon at the pub with her mates Simon, Nattie, Howie and Barnie. She had a marvellous time being passed from pillar to post (lots of cuddling and smooching). I have become quite comfortable getting my knockers out in just about any setting. Naturally, after mummy has had a few quiet bevvies, Maddie reverts to the bottle to keep her going. She seemed to really love the pub... we can't work out who she inherited that from!
Maddie is getting stronger and more vocal every day. She happily lies on her mini mink (courtesy of her Granny Rozzi Roo) singing, chirping and chatting to herself. She makes us smile sooooo much and as her personality starts to peep out, it looks like she is going to be quite a character.

Love to all xxxx

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