I left my beautiful husband and little girl for a four day work trip to New York. I cried all the way to the airport, but once I landed in the Big Apple I decided that it was ridiculous to spend the whole time feeling guilty, so I booked a ticket to see the Broadway stage show of Xanadu with my boss and got into the spirit of things (I clutched my pearls and sang along to every word!). Enjoyed a couple of beautiful dinners and caught up with a lovely family friend, Paul Austin. It was such a treat to see him.
Simes and I took Maddie to her first music festival in Hyde Park yesterday. It was so much fun. We all boogied to amazing sets by The Feeling and Crowded House. We were lucky enough to have VIP tickets which made life a little easier. Maddie stopped traffic in her little ear protectors and if we had a £ for every person that stopped to take a photo of her, we would have done very well for ourselves! Even the camera crew shooting the festival came over to put her up on the big screen. We had such a blast and cant wait to take her to her next festival in August.
Maddie has really found her voice and is constantly babbling 'mumma', 'dadda', 'bubba' and a range of other baby words. She really does love a chat (not sure where she got that from!).
London is a pretty amazing place to be in summer and we are making the most of every day. Sometimes, when I think about our little family it makes me so happy I burst into tears. I am the luckiest woman in the world to have such a gorgeous husband and a delicious little girl - I don't want to take them for granted for even a second.
Lots of love until next time xxx
1 comment:
Kate - it's no wonder you burst into tears - take a look at y'all! Gorgeous I tell ya, just gorgeous! Maddie is looking so very grown up and beautiful I can't wait to give her a cuddle and kiss in person. Sounds like you are having the time of your lives - enjoy it all while you can. It's miserable and cold and wet over here with nothing exciting happening - EXCEPT for a replay of Xanadu last Sunday arvo on channel 10. I too sang along to every word and tried to explain it's significance to Daisy. She'll learn soon enough. Lots of love to you all xoxox
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