Well.... where do I start? So much has happened since we set off from London in late February. We haven't had the internet at home so Maddie's poor old blog has been a little neglected. It is now 11:20pm and I am absolutely knackered, so here are some quick highlights of the past couple of months.
Maddie got quite a shock to the system when she got off the plane in Adelaide to 40 degree heat! The city of churches decided to turn on the longest heat wave on record... WORLD RECORD! It didn't get below 38 degrees for 12 days. We were all about to expire! Bloody horrid. Everyone kept saying 'at least it is a dry heat'... what the hell is that meant to mean? Simes, Maddie and I felt like we had be shoved into a fan forced oven. Luckily, we had the love had hospitality of our crazy families to keep us smiling.
Little Maddie was Baptised by the wonderful Father Gaucci in early March. She had to wait in line to get into the baptism pool as it was 39.5 degrees on the day. Uncle Mikey was kind enough to throw Maddie a bash in his garden after the ceremony. He played host to 80 guests and it was a gorgeous afternoon (apart from a few minor glitches... eg: kids pissing on his floor, his mother locking him out of the front part of his house and the odd drunken relative). The grandparents were all amazingly kind and generous doing all the prep that made the day so special.
We moved into a serviced apartment in Waterloo Sydney which was somewhat like living in Hong Kong but we have now found a lovely little terrace in Glebe and have finally started to settle into our life in Sydney.
We haven't stopped since arriving back in Australia. We have caught up with a million and one friends and Maddie finally got to meet all her beautiful cousins. She has made so many wonderful new friends and has fallen particularly in love with Meagan and Martin's little boy Linus. Simes has pretty much set up our whole life here in Sydney and is busy playing daddy daycare and slowly going out of his mind watching the Wiggles on a daily basis (Maddie is OBSESSED). I don't know what I would do without him. He is our saviour, but there is no question that he is ready to start working again and he is currently on a mission to find Maddie some day care. I am absolutely flat out at work and feel like I have aged about 10 years in the past 2 months.
It was really wonderful to have four weeks off between leaving London and starting my new job in Sydney, but it has made it so much harder to leave Maddie each morning. She is quite simply a delight! Her personality knocks my socks off. She makes Simes and I giggle every day. She counts to ten in three different languages and can say the entire alphabet (thanks to her father's tutelage). She has a cracking sense of humour and thrives on being around people. She yells 'hi' to almost everyone she passes in the street. I can't get enough of her and sometimes when I look at her, she takes my breath away and I can't believe that Simes and I made such a wonderful little person.
Benny is proving to be the worlds BEST God Father. He and Richy treat Maddie as though she is their own baby and she absolutely adores them and their cat Oliver. All I can say is thank GOD for the boys. I don't know what we would do without them.
While it is wonderful to be back in Sydney, we are missing our London friends terribly. Leaving our little 'London Family' was one of the hardest things we have ever had to do and there is no question that the London chapter of our lives will always be amongst our happiest times.
Anyway... I'm off to bed. Beauty sleep is definitely required!
Lots of love xxx
PS: Now that we have the internet at home and life is reaching some kind of normality, I promise to update the news more regularly.
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