Busy, busy, busy... that about covers the last few weeks. Had a fabulous trip to the zoo with my cousin Rob, his gorgeous wife Beth and their spectacular little girl Daisy (or "cousin Daisy" as Maddie calls her). Mads thinks that Daisy is the bees knees. We also had a lovely afternoon with my other cousin Chris and his beautiful girls Kylie, Bella, Charlie and Ashley. It was Ashley's first fiesta and it was a fantastic affair with lots of happy kids, a pinata and the paella was a triumph!
The weeks just seem to zip by. Still not much going on in the hair department for Maddie, but everything else is developing marvelously! She has now settled into day care, in fact she actually seems to look forward to it. The ladies who look after her are astounded by her vocabulary and say that it is freaky for a toddler of her age to be such a good communicator. I can't help but think Maddie is an old soul that has been here before. The way she looks you in the eye and emotionally engages is beyond her years. Having said that, she is also pretty good at throwing herself on the floor in the middle of a shopping centre and having a good old fashioned tantrum, so I am not sending her off to university just yet!
Had a funny night at an Indian restaurant on Oxford St last Friday. I ended up drinking way too much and singing 'Islands in the Stream' with a tranny on the 'curryoke'. Was not feeling too flash the next morning, but pulled myself together and had a lovely catch up in Paddington with some old girlfriends and consoled myself with WAY too much white wine. A girl's got to let her hair down sometimes!
Lots of love to all xxx
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