It turns out that my last blog post was a little controversial. To say that I was remiss would be the understatement of the century! There I was listing things you should know about Maddie to capture a snapshot of her at 2 and 3/4 yrs of age and I completely neglected to mention two of the most important people in her (and her mother and father's) life! God Father Benny (GFB) and Richie.
Well.... let me tell you that Benny told me in no uncertain terms that he was deeply offended and mortally wounded. And frankly, why wouldn't he be? Benny and Richard are SO important in Maddie's life that she actually asked Simes and I if we could buy a pink house with enough rooms to accommodate Benny and Richard so they could live with us. She also wanted Meags, Martin, Linus, Baby Edie, Cousin Rob, Cousin Beth and Cousin Daisy to live there too, but Benny and Richard had to live on the same floor as her so that she could jump on their bed in the morning when she woke up.
She loves hanging out at their house with their grumpy cat Oliver Jenson Scandrett-Smith and Oliver actually seems to like her too. The boys have a special drawer which is full of toys and books and DVD's especially for little visitors and she makes a bee line for it as soon as she walks in the door.
The other day when we were driving past their street Maddie said "stop the car mummy, I want to visit my boys". When I explained that her boys were at work she said, "that's OK mummy, we can just wait on their sofa till they get home". Bless her world!
Yesterday the boys picked Mads and I up and we all had an afternoon at the hairdressing salon. Richie gave Maddie her first blow dry and Benny introduced her to 'The Sound of Music' on his portable DVD player (SO camp!) while I got my roots touched up. She absolutely loved it and has been singing 'Do-Re-Mi' and 'My Favourite Things' ever since.
Last week we visited a gorgeous old friend of ours, Victoria, who has just had a delicious little baby girl and we took some snaps in the afternoon sunshine. You can see how much she loves the boys just by looking at her little face.
Three weeks after I had Maddie when I was losing my mind and struggling desperately to find the confidence and self belief that I could be an OK mother, I called Benny. He was the one person that I knew would not judge me when I burst into tears and admitted that I was in a complete state and that I was freakin' terrified. Poor old Simes was doing everything he could to be supportive and make me believe that we were going to be OK, but the truth is I think Simes was just as overwhelmed as I was. As I wept down the phone line and poured my heart out, Benny just listened and found the words to make me laugh. Even just talking to him gave me strength and reminded me not to take everything so seriously. As I hung up the phone, I wished more that anything in the world that I could see him. 40 minutes later he called me and said "see you on Thursday Smythie"! He bloody well jumped on a plane and came to London for 3 weeks. Simes, Benny and I laughed and cried our way through the first few weeks of Maddie's life and by the end of Benny's stay we asked him if he would be Maddie's God Father.
Benny is quite simply one of the funniest, realest most exhilarating people I have ever met. And as for Richard... well let's just say that "crush" doesn't quite cover it. Maddie thinks he is the bees knees!
Benny and Richard fell for each other almost 10 years ago and together they are just amazing. Spending the day with them is like taking a holiday. They enrich our lives in SO many ways and frankly, I don't know what I would do without them.
Mads is one lucky lady to have those boys in her life. They always make time to visit her and they drown her in love and laughter. There is a certain cackle that she saves only for 'her boys' and her dad. It is the kind of guttural laugh that you know comes from deep inside her little soul.
So boys, Maddie's boys, PLEASE forgive me for being such a dufus and thank you for making our lives a much more fabulous place. Ooo Rooo xxx
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