Christmas, a beautiful wedding, a festival, a touch of chemotherapy, a special 70th birthday, Easter, loads of lovely parties, wonderful friends, busy work schedule, two heartbreaking funerals and our first home! That about sums up the past six months.
It's been more than a little while since I updated Maddie's blog. So long in fact, that I was starting to question whether I should keep writing at all. But as I looked through the photos taken over the past six months it made me realise that our lives are made up of the most wonderful people and the most heartbreaking and exhilarating moments. I want Maddie to have a record of her life as a spirited, amazing little 3 year old and even though I wont be winning any literary awards for the words I write on this blog, hopefully one day she will look back and appreciate the fact that I stopped every now and again to document what was happening
So Mads, here are just a few of the moments I think are worth celebrating from the past few months...
Boxing Day with our family at my cousin Christopher's amazing house on the Northern Beaches. He and his wife Kylie showered us with love, hospitality and a spectacular lunch!
Watching you squeal with delight as you swam in your Uncle Chris and Auntie Natalie's swimming pool in Adelaide when we visited in January.
Stealing the last swim of the summer on Bronte beach with your best friend Linus and his beautiful family.
Giggling through an Easter Egg hunt with cousin Daisy, Linus and Edie at Auntie Kathryn's house after a delicious home cooked family lunch.
Surprising your Grampy for his 70th birthday and spending the afternoon in the park with him and Granny Rozzi.
Going to the fun fair in Adelaide with your grandparents, auntie and uncle (pure bliss!) and being spoilt rotten.
Spending days in our courtyard decorating your new cardboard castle.
Watching The Sound of Music for the first time on a portable DVD player with your Godfather at the hair dresser.
Witnessing your dad's gorgeous cousin Samantha get married in a spectacular ceremony that was a true celebration of love.
Spending a day in the park with your heavenly Godmother, her little boy Archie Le Var and our dear friend Sammy and her lovely little girls Pia and Bella.
Being smothered with love by your Auntie Biddy, Uncle Seamus, Uncle Chisk and Auntie Nat whenever they get the chance!
Playing with your cousin Diesel the dog in your grandparents back yard.
Spending time with your amazing family in Adelaide and getting to know all your little cousins.
Helping your little friends to celebrate their birthdays including cousin Daisy's 3rd birthday and the delicious baby Edie's 2nd birthday.
Spending time with your B Grade celebrity uncle Mikey (who insists on calling you Berwyn!) and saying thank you to him for helping us buy our first home. We love you uncle mikey xx Pics of our house above - it's the little grey two story terrace.
Learning to make cupcakes with your Nanna.
Enjoying an Al Fresco breakfast with your beloved Linus after his first sleep over.
Dancing together and doing family floor shows (I am especially fond of your Irish Dancing and your unique style of skipping!).
Plus the thousands of moments that you have made us giggle with your profound insights and observations about life.
There have also been some moments that have been very tough for our little family over the past six months.
I had to have a short treatment of chemotherapy to help recover from / treat the molar pregnancy. Although it sounds pretty dramatic, I am incredibly grateful that I only had to experience this type of treatment for a week. The nurses at RPA hospital were absolute angels and I take my hat of to everyone who works at Gloucester House. Their optimism, compassion, respect and kindness is inspirational.
We also looked after your dad as he had to say goodbye to two of his favourite people in the world - his beautiful Auntie Julie and his much loved Grandad Nicholls. I have always been blown away by how much love Simon's family have for one another. It is so rare to find a family that is as close, loving and supportive of one another. Their house is constantly filled with warmth and laughter. From the day I first walked in their front door they have treated me like one of their own and I feel honoured to call myself a Nicholls. I cant even begin to describe how dark this time has been for Simon and his family. As I looked at the faces of all these people that I love so much, I wished that I could do something to take away the pain that we were all feeling, but I know that only time will heal the deep sadness of losing the people you love. I am so proud of the way that they have pulled together and I am in awe of their strength and devotion to family.
I was worried about involving Maddie in the grieving process and particularly about her attending the funerals, but she seemed to cope very well and provided a ray of sunshine through all the sadness.
One thing I know for sure. Love is stronger than death. The love that we all feel for Julie and Grandad Nicholls means that they will always be with us.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. ~From a headstone in Ireland
No matter what happens in life, when I look into little Maddie's innocent blue eyes, hear her giggle and sneak that one final cuddle of the day before bedtime, it reminds me what life is all about and that I must remember to treasure every moment.
1 comment:
When are you going to write a book for me to read? The way that you have articulated the horror of the last 6 months in this posting makes my heart ache with the pain you have been through, but also makes it swell with pride at how you have come through the other side. BFF I love you.
B x
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