Poor little Mads had her first major accident on Sunday. The day began so beautifully. We met Maddie's God Father, Benny, for brunch and followed it up with a glorious play in the park. What began with swings and giggles ended with a horrific fall from the flying fox and a trip to the RPA emergency department. The worst part... it was entirely my fault. I completely lost my grip of Maddie and she went flying and fell on her beautiful little face. HORR..END...OUS!
I have never been so frightened. Thank God Benny kept his cool, swept us both up and drove us straight to the hospital. The nurses at RPA were complete angels and checked Maddie from head to toe to make sure she was ok. Fortunately her wounds were just superficial... unlike the emotional scars and guilt that I will carry with me for the rest of my life! Benny waited with us the entire time we were in hospital and had his camera on hand to document the whole experience.
It broke my heart to see my little angel hurt. Maddie was so incredibly brave and by the end of the whole experience she had Simon and I on the hospital bed while she played doctor and checked us over for injuries! When I tucked her in bed last night I apologised profusely and told her how sorry I was that I let her get hurt and she said... 'Mum, it was just an accident. I am ok. I just hurt my mouth'. I love that little girl SO MUCH and we will officially be steering clear of the flying fox for some time!
Oh noooooo! Glad all is OK. Enjoyed the photos nonetheless...at least the cherry has been popped and the outcome was so good! Lots of love x
What a brave girl! And that was just Mummy. Something you NEVER forget but am so glad that she's ok xxx Aunty K
It was quite horrific. Poor little munchkin.
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