Thursday, November 09, 2006

Family Life

Simes, Madeleine and I are starting settle into a nice little family routine of breasts (Maddy - not Simes), cuddles, poo, wee and sleep. Sadly, I am on the graveyard shift and my sleep now seems to be some time between 7am and 9pm... all a bit nocturnal really.

Madeleine is officially a daddy's girl and as you can see from the attached pics, she is rather keen on a cuddle with her pappa.

Her midwife, Margaret (see pic), comes to weigh her every couple of days. Turns out I need to rest more so that I can produce more milk (who would have thought that these knockers would have issues producing milk!). I had better go and have a snooze.

Love to you all xxxxxxx


BabyMac said...

Thanks for the update - it's just like you are around the corner! Looks like you are quite the little family - Each new shot makes me even more excited about having Reg here soon. Love & kisses to you all. Love Beth xoxox

BabyMac said...

Thanks for the update - it's just like you are around the corner! Looks like you are quite the little family - Each new shot makes me even more excited about having Reg here soon. Love & kisses to you all. Love Beth xoxox

Victoria B said...

oohhhh the biggest hugs and squeezes ever... hello Madeleine how glorious to meet you.. cant wait to be able to give you cuddles.
Congratulations Kate & Si.. wow... you are very clever..... such beautiful photos beaming with happiness and love. She is beautiful.. of course xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx