I decided to take a couple of weeks off work to hang out with Mads before school starts on Feb 2. I just can't get enough of the kid... she makes me smile from ear to ear.
Some things Mads loves at the moment...
- Veggie toast from Sonoma or Luxe (the kid definitely inherited her mum's love of good bread)
- Singing to plants (in fact, just singing generally)
- Dancing to her own beat (which definitely doesn't resemble the beat of the song she is listening to!)
- Drawing pictures. Mostly of love hearts, rainbows, mermaids, flowers and happy people (I guess a psychologist would say that was pretty positive?)
- Going to the movies (simply can't get enough of The Muppets)
- Babies! (she is obsessed with Agnes and any other baby she can get her hands on)
- Run up cuddles (they will never get old... although they can sometimes be a little violent!)
- Nudie runs (the kid gets her kit off at every opportunity)
- Sausage dogs (why wouldn't you be?)
Random comments from Maddie...
'Dad, all you need in life is love, laughter, sunshine... oh, and a little bit of chocolate!'
'I'll show you a place full of razzle-e-dazz' (I think it was meant to be razzmatazz!)
'Mum, do I really have to go to school full time. Don't they have a part time option?'
'Mum, isn't it funny how life doesn't always work out the way you planned?' How so Mads? 'I always thought we would have a bigger house than this!'
'Ladies and gentlemen, introducing....' (the line we hear before she enters the room in yet another strange costume)
Treasuring every second of the next few weeks. Can't believe my little minx is going to big school. One chapter closes... another begins xx
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