I'm not really a legitimate blogger. The only reason I put fingers to keyboard is to capture little memories for Maddie to look back on one day. This is particularly important because I have the MOST terrible memory in the history of time. I have never even kept a diary before starting this blog, so it is all very new to me and I feel like a bit of an impostor (truth be told).
It was my cousin Rob's gorgeous wife Beth that inspired me to start a blog. She started one when she got up the duff with her first baby, Daisy. We were living in London and I wanted to keep my family and friends back in Oz updated on all things Maddie.
Beth's writing is beautiful, creative, fearless, hilarious and inspiring. When I have time, I love dropping into her world and that of the incredible women that blog around her. I find it extraordinary that they share their thoughts so freely with the world and it nourishes my soul when I take a peep.
Even though I only really get the time to skim the surface of this world, one of the blogs I discovered suggested coming up with a word for the year. A word that reflects what you hope for the year ahead and how you plan to approach life.
After much consideration, I have decided that my 2012 word will be 'mindful'. I plan to be mindful and live in the moment, instead of fruitlessly running negative thoughts about the past and catastrophising about the future. Mindful of just how lucky I am. And even when I'm not so lucky and things go to shit, mindful of the best way of dealing with the situation and to bravely get on with life!
Dancing to Norman Jay spinning tunes from the Good Times Bus in Hyde Park at the opening of the Sydney Festival with our amazing friends Simon and Nattie made me mindful that life is pretty damn fine. There is nothing quite like a good boogie with thousands of strangers to fill your soul with happiness. I am a 'wooo' girl from way back! Even Mads was 'woooing' by the end of the set.
There was talk that Norman Jay could become an annual event at the festival. Bring. That. Shit. On! He is the master of making people feel good.
1 comment:
Oh lady! Thank you x Just the thing I needed to hear at the moment. The blogging world can be a strange one and something that some people don't get but I tell you I think it's an amazing community to be a part of.
I have loved seeing a little feed come through from you so far this year...keep it up! x
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